Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Special Issue

Recently I had the pleasure of going to my son's school and giving a little presentation on what I do here and writing in general.

Let me tell you, having 80 pairs of third grade eyes focused in on your every word (or I will pretend it was my every word as I know attention spans of 8 and 9 year olds aren't that long) is a bit nerve-wracking for this girl.  I have always said - I'm a writer not a public speaker.

I muddled my way through, with my kid by my side... who told me if I passed out he would not (I repeat would not) finish the presentation for me... he would however call an ambulance... so I guess that's a bonus.  At least my kid loves me enough to call for help - but he won't finish what I started... HA!

At the end of my little presentation the kids asked questions - very good questions, and while I may have forgotten that I wrote the Little Liam Series (nerves, I tell you) after My Crazy Life, we spent a good deal of time talking about what my favorite part of doing this was and what I didn't like and writing in general.

I think they got a real kick out of the fact I once wrote an article arguing that aliens created the pyramids in Egypt.

To tie this whole thing into part of their career curriculum they were given an assignment the day following my presentation. 

Their assignment was to write the following "If you were a writer, what type of writer would you be and why?"  I am going to post their responses...  They are pretty awesome!

Special thank you to their teachers, principal and guidance counselor for letting me do this project and also to Holly who came up with the idea to have career speakers talk to the classes.


  1. Well done Nicole. Keep up the good work. Hmm I seem to have a strong recollection of that pyramid alien article.😀

    1. Thanks Matt!! haha - probably because you gave me that assignment :)
