Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Let’s Get Lost Together

I have lived my life with a plan and a destination. One day my life got flipped, turned upside down and I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there. I’ll tell you how I became the author of this random adventure. (Special shout out to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air) I don’t plan to go far. I can find so many things to do right around here. I like to keep busy because it keeps the loneliness at bay. I am a separated and the mother of a son who is growing up way to fast. It’s not so cool to hang with mom as much. I spent most of my life being what everyone needed me to be and being so very responsible. BORING! Now I have decided to try to find myself, try new things and see what I like to do. I would like to invite you to come along and live vicariously through my journey or maybe to inspire you enough to get the hell off the couch and take one too.

I am going to start with visiting local attractions and road trips. I am trying to live without a plan and do new things. I am very type A so, living without a plan is just an insane concept. I love to take silly photos with random road side attractions so, prepare yourself, you are getting lots of that. I will take you with me from seeing flying saucers, big foot statues, tree house dinning, a place where ducks walk on fishes, candy colored playscapes, mattress factories that don’t sell mattress along with anything and everything in between. I also plan to share me with you just as soon as I find me.

When anyone asks me to go somewhere with them, I am always like hell yes! If you asked me to get into the car to see the largest ball of twine simply to take a photo and drive back home, I am your gal! If I am being reasonable, the largest ball of twine is in Cawker City, Kansas, that’s quite a hike. I might want to start slowly and google map something before I open my mouth to commit. Someone asked me if I wanted to go on a cruise once, just being a smart ass, I said sure. Next thing I know I had to call with my credit card number to secure my passage on the Carnival Pride. True story.

The greatest part of a road trip isn’t the destination but, all the fun that happens in between. Expect random thoughts because you know that post on Facebook with the train tracks- how a man tells a story is a straight track to its destination but, how a woman tells a story is a whole bunch of curves and bends to get the point-well that me. I am that woman and I wear that journey with pride. See there’s another random thought in the middle of another story. Pay attention they happen quickly. Blink and you might miss some of my witty banter. I know I write in write on sentences A LOT but, that’s how I talk and I want you to get to know me. This summer I am going to get into the car, roll the windows down (okay I am going to push a button once and my windows go down, my car is fancy), let the wind take my hair and my Ray Bans shading the way. FYI, I hate bugs so, if a bug flies in, its windows up right away. Especially those gifts from hell-the stink bug.
Now come on out and get lost with me so, I can be found.

Written by:  Misplaced Self

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