Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Gene Stovall - Musician

Photo Credit: Arabella Stanescu in Düsseldorf, Germany; Fall 2020

Gene Stovall, a breath of fresh air in the world of art. If I had to compare my brain to anything it would be a computer that has a trillion browsers open all day and every day. It’s refreshing talking to Gene because he is focused on what he wants. He knows what he wants, detail-oriented and passionate about his craft. 

Gene writes and records music, is an instrumentalist as well as a vocalist, and works the theatrical stage.

1.) Where does your passion for music stem from?

My passion for music comes from being exposed to vibrant pop music since I was a small child... especially channels like MTV, BET, and The BOX (also known as The Jukebox Network and later becoming MTV 2). 

2.) Who are your biggest musical influences?

My biggest musical influences are (in no order) Prince, Stevie Wonder, Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, Sarah Vaughan, Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley, MF Doom, Jodeci, Teddy Riley, Aaron Hall, The Talking Heads, Mint Condition, Carol King, Dilla, A Tribe Called Quest, Stone Temple Pilots, and Wu Tang Clan. 

3.) Describe the difference between the Pittsburgh music scene and in Germany (where you have taken residency).

It's hard to describe the differences between the music scenes in both Pittsburgh, PA and Cologne, Germany. We’re in lockdown here, so many of the bars and clubs are closed for good. The music scene is online right now, so you can do it from any and everywhere that gets a signal. 

4.) What are your thoughts on streaming music versus physical copies?

Good question. I love the idea and act of streaming music because I can play whatever I wanna hear whenever I want to hear it. Streaming is an awesome thing. But, I’m actually from the time of cassette tapes. I used to have somewhere between 10 to 15 tapes in my book bag at any given time. If the tapes were loose in the bag or out of the cases, they would get damaged and often times would stop playing. Portable CD players were expensive back then, but I found a way to get one. Then, I was all about CDs but the same things would happen to the CD packaging in my bag. 

I loved the artwork that came with all of my purchases of tapes, CDs, and vinyl records. I buy vinyl every now and then, and will play the records all the way through while examining the album covers and packaging the comes with the vinyl. My first physical copy of any sort of recorded music was the vinyl album ‘Ice Cream Castles’ by Morris Day and The Time;  which served as a second soundtrack to the movie ‘Purple Rain’ with Prince, Apollonia, and his band The Revolution. My mom got me the ‘Purple Rain’ tape a week or two later. 

5.) Besides music is there any other artistic interest that you enjoy?

I try my hand at all types of art related projects. I figure since we all only live once, I would like to experience as much as I can of what this life has to offer. My dream is to finish a screenplay that I started writing in 2008 and actually produce it for all to see. I would direct it as well, but I wouldn’t be a star in the film. In my mind, I’m a great actor but in real life I’m not so good at all. Haha. 

6.) If you were able to collaborate with one person who would it be and why?

This is another good question that makes me wanna have a proper sit down in a very comfortable chair and think for a moment about how best to answer this question. Here goes..

I would collaborate with filmmaker Wes Anderson in the same way that Owen Wilson did on the first three Wes Anderson films. If I could choose someone who has passed on, I would want to collaborate with playwright August Wilson. I do have a TOP 5, but we can visit that at another time. 

7.) What are your latest projects you are working on?


Geenpool Music:

I have a 20 track album coming in late June of 2021 called ‘AHA’, or ‘AcuteHyperActivity’ that will feature a mix of previously released Geenpool singles and new recordings from my very own Stovallian Studios, located in Cologne, Germany. 

Alien Facez:

I write, perform, and produce music for an Alternative Hip Hop group called Alien Facez. We mix genres and experiment with soundscapes as we develop our customized Hip Hop sound. 

DapDum Eurozone Music Magazine:

I partnered with Dap Dum Productions and Publishing to create a page that functions as an online magazine that supports the development of the upcoming singer/songwriters and overall underground recording artists that I’m finding on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, SubmitHub, and Instagram. I write my music reviews as ‘Geno Penman’ just so I can differentiate between my personas. 

Pullover Rivers Radio Program:

I started a radio show on, an internet radio station located in Cologne, Germany. It’s called the Pullover Rivers Radio Program and I produce and host it; with help from my moderator, Céline Rudelle.

For more information on Gene please check out the information below:










Geenpool Music (GeneStovallTV) YouTube:







geenpool_music dapdum_eurozone pullover_rivers_radio_program


Natalie Belin is the author of The Many Colors of Natalie, a book of poetry.  She holds an associates degree in Specialized Technology Le Cordon Bleu Pastry Arts and in her spare time is an artist and percussionist.

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