Friday, September 30, 2016

What Alice Forgot (Fall 2016 Issue)

Note – If you have not read this story, this review contains some spoilers. All opinions are my own and may differ from your views of the story.

Long time no chat! I stepped away from my book review post last quarter to interview the guys at the Drinking Partners Podcast (if you haven’t checked them out – I still highly recommend it!). But I’m back with another book to discuss with you. This time around we’ll discuss What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty.

This book/author was recommended to me by coworkers, so I had to give it a shot as it came with great reviews. The premise of the book center around Alice – but in two story lines. So we meet Alice and she’s a 29 year old wife and soon to be mother. Crazy in love with her husband, thrilled to be a mother – everything is great. Except it’s not.

Alice has just woken up on the floor of a gym, where she’s passed out and hit her head. In reality, Alice is 39 years old, has three children, is in the process of a divorce and oh yeah, is not a very nice person anymore. But she doesn’t remember any of this having suffered from amnesia when she hit her head. People in the present are baffled by this softer, nicer version of Alice. Alice is baffled by why they would think she’s anything but kind. Then slowly, she starts to recover her memory and remember the reality, but with the realization of wondering if she truly wants to go back to the newer version of ‘Alice’

For me this was a thought provoking book. How many of us are the same as we were 10 years ago? Have we changed for the better? Do we have the same friends? Same job? All thoughts that ran through my head as I read this book. I found it enjoyable but at the same time a little sad. I can’t imagine the frustration of thinking life is one way, when it really is not. But on the flip side, it could present an opportunity to create a new path and create a better version of yourself.

Gwen O’Brien works full time in higher ed, works full time as a wife, works full time as a mom, works full time as a dog mom and occasionally finds time to write or edit. She resides in McDonald and enjoys reading, yoga and donuts (not necessarily together) when she’s not working.

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